Cross-Canada. Alberta - Ontario.
My way from Calgary to Ontario was through Regina, north Manitoba, and Winnipeg. I only had one night in Regina, and went for a walk...

Cross-Canada. Views of Northern Alberta
#Alberta #Canada #NorthernAlberta #alta #coldlake #edmonton #fort #lake #sunset #pump #oil #fields #summer #sun #road #farmer #tractor...

Cross - Canada. Medicine Hat
I did not have much time to spend in Med Hat, but I think I probably got one of the best views of the town with the city hall and 170...

Cross-Canada. Lethbridge Viaduct
My cross-Canada trip has started a week ago with visiting Lethbridge and Medicine Hat. The most famous thing in Lethbridge is its...

Magical Aurora. April 22nd 2017
We was a little tired that night, but decided to come out to try our luck. We did not have many expectations to the lights after a few...

Tornado cloud
Incredible nature show. It looked like aliens were landing behind the cloud!!! #torando #night #lightnings #cloud #water #stars #house...