Cross-Canada. Alberta - Ontario.
My way from Calgary to Ontario was through Regina, north Manitoba, and Winnipeg. I only had one night in Regina, and went for a walk...

Cross-Canada. Views of Northern Alberta
#Alberta #Canada #NorthernAlberta #alta #coldlake #edmonton #fort #lake #sunset #pump #oil #fields #summer #sun #road #farmer #tractor...

Cross - Canada. Edmonton. Pt 1
Edmonton was fun (except the amount of red-light, speed cameras and police with radars on the roads) :) Edmonton felt much bigger than...

Cross-Canada. Lethbridge Viaduct
My cross-Canada trip has started a week ago with visiting Lethbridge and Medicine Hat. The most famous thing in Lethbridge is its...

Magical Aurora. April 22nd 2017
We was a little tired that night, but decided to come out to try our luck. We did not have many expectations to the lights after a few...

A few pics from the flight to Russia
Love to sit by the window when flying, so I can enjoy some great views from above. #plane #window #sky #cloud #clouds #flight #europe...

Dina and Oscar love story
It was a pleasure to work with Oscar and Dina. Oscar have never been in Calgary before, so we went for a walk in downtown. We had lots of...

Soul of the Next Economy Forum 2016.
I`m happy I have been offered to shoot pictures for the forum this year. The information about the forum could be found here:...

Days of Yore
Heritage festival in Didsbury, Alberta. It includes performing of SONS OF FENRIR VIKINGS, 78th FRASER HIGHLANDERS, CANNONEERS, DRAGONS'S...

The Plain of Six Glaciers
It was crazy busy at the lake Louse this day. We spent at least 20 minutes looking for a parking spot. We finally got lucky and went...