Vancouver Island, British Columbia, part 2.
After the dinner we enjoyed some harbour views and other performances.
We were a bit late to see what was happening here, but this lady was easily making a huge crowd laughing.

The guy played Bob Marley using some strange instruments.

40 million dollars yacht!

We have taken a whale watching tour in the US and seen many-many whales there. We did not want to miss the opportunity to see these giants again and booked a tour in Victoria.
We enjoyed the views from the boat, including the one of the last hand-lit lighthouses in Canada. People actually leave there and light it up every night!

The boat ride was fun, but not the tour itself. Victoria only had a few whales` backs and tails for us.

A humpback whale emerged really close to one of the boats.

We were lucky to see a fin whale. It is a second largest animal in the world after the blue whale! However we have only seen its back once.

Humpback`s breath was our last encounter with a whale that day; and we left left towards Victoria.

Next day we have taken a scenic route from Victoria to Port Renfrew. I am highly suggesting you to do the same, if you ever going to be on Vancouver Island!!! The route is full of beautiful places and points of view, like the bay below.

The French Beach provincial park was awesome. It was covered with giant differently shaped pieces of wood that was left on the beach by the ocean.

The scenic route itself

It was getting darker, as we approached Port Renfrew, and after a few pictures at the port we rushed to see the sunset on the ocean.

We had to go through the almost real jungles that made us feel uncomfortable.

But the view of the ocean was good.

We got home late at night. We were exhausted but happy :)
Next day we went back to Vancouver.

We stayed at our friends` place overnight and this was unfortunately the end of our trip.